
The National Cartoonists Society (NCS) Reuben Awards and Conference

The National Cartoonists Society (NCS) Reuben Awards and Conference

The NCS is a non-profit membership organization that brings together professional cartoonists and comic artists from around the world. Founded in 1946, the NCS encompasses professionals working in comics, illustration, animation, graphic storytelling, and many other related fields. Here are some of the key awards presented by the NCS:

  1. The Reuben Award: Annually during the NCS Annual Reuben Awards Weekend, the society honors outstanding achievements in all fields of the profession. The Cartoonist of the Year Reuben Award, the profession’s highest honor, is selected by a secret ballot of the members. This award was originally named the Billy DeBeck Memorial Award, and a silver cigarette box engraved with the recipient’s name was presented. Introduced in 1954, the Reuben Award is named after the NCS’s long-time honorary chairman Rube Goldberg. The statuette is based on one of Goldberg’s whimsical inventions. Like all NCS awards, the winner need not be a member of the society.
  2. The Milton Caniff Lifetime Achievement Award: Presented unanimously by the NCS Board of Directors, this award is given for a lifetime of outstanding and successful work to a cartoonist who has not previously won a Reuben. The only exception, given posthumously to Charles M. Schulz, was for his extraordinary contribution to the art form.
  3. The Gold T-Square: Presented unanimously by the NCS Board of Directors to those who have completed 50 years as a professional cartoonist. To date, it has been awarded three times: to Rube Goldberg (1955), Mort Walker (1999), and Arnold Roth (2018).
  4. The Silver T-Square: Awarded unanimously by the NCS Board to individuals who have demonstrated outstanding service or dedication to the NCS or the profession.

These exciting events and awards are organized to celebrate the achievements of cartoonists and honor those who contribute to the profession. For more information, you can visit the NCS website.

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